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Molecular Virology 

Molecular Virology Laboratory is a research laboratory at the Department of Molecular Medicine, led by Associate Professor Dr. Shatrah Othman and Associate Professor Dr Nurshamimi Nor Rashid as the Principal Investigators. Their research interest mainly covers molecular and immunological studies on dengue, human papillomavirus, DHODH inhibitors, BPA toxicity, and various cancers. In vitro, anti-viral and molecular biology assays are heavily conducted in this laboratory with adequate facilities and equipment.

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Our  collaboration with other universities includes UCSI University, Gerogia State University, Universitas Gadjah Mada, National Taiwan University and University of Autonomous de Madrid. In addition, we also have collaboration with govenerment and private sector such as MARDI, FRIM, MKAK, CENAR and Pharmaniaga. We genuinely welcome the application to join this laboratory. 

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