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This lab is conducted by Dr. Jaime Jacqueline Jayapalan and Dr. Puteri, as principal investigators. Their research interest is basically in the application of lectin and proteomics technologies in cancer and/or disease biomarker discovery. Her team is currently focusing on analysing non-invasive biofluid such as urine to quantitate absolute measures of potential clinical biomarkers for the early detection of prostate cancer using high-throughput mass spectrometric techniques and also retrospectively investigating the relative identification of proteins expressed at the different timepoints using pancreatic cell lines. Simultaneously, the lab is also focusing on the lectin-based glycomics analysis to further understand on the molecular mechanisms underlying diseases.

By comparing the generated proteome profiles (e.g. disease vs non-disease state, treated vs untreated, different stages or time-points), dysregulated or aberrant proteins of interest are detected and identified via mass spectrometry approaches. Using this workflow, her team has analysed profiles of sera from cancer patients with gynaecological, nasopharyngeal and bone cancers in search of potential biomarkers for the detection of cancers at an early stage. Their current project focuses on the proteome, metabolome and circadian profiles of milk from mothers in the early stages of breastfeeding babies up to 2 years of age. The aim is to investigate the interrelationship of the bioactive milk constituents and their roles in young infants' immune protection and cognitive and physical growth development.

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